Have you ever wondered what a survival food bar tastes like? Are they all the same or is one brand better tasting than the others? Well some group composed of six members made a taste test and here are the results.
Tested were one of each 2400 calorie food bar from Emergency Essentials - Datrex bar, SOS bar, and Mainstay bar brands. They cost 4.95 USD each including shipping cost and some varieties are also available in 1200 and 3600 calorie packs.
This survival food bar is offered vacuum-packed in foil packaging. All were about the same weight, just different shapes. Now for the part you've been waiting for. The result of the analysis:
The Mainstay Bar
This survival food bar was divided into 6 pieces that were not independently wrapped. The taste was similar to lemon shortbread, more on the sugar and shortening. It had fine flavor and was ranked the choice of at least 3 of the testers.
It was not hard, but was very dry. For land purposes, the directions state to eat one bar 3 times per day, so they're relying on 2400 calories lasting you 2 days.
You might be skimping on your calories but if it was all you had and you just wanted to survive; you could scrape by on that quantity. Sea applications eat 2 bars per day (guess you wouldn't be moving as much).
The SOS bar
This survival food bar was divided into 6 individually wrapped pieces.
It was a little firmer than the Mainstay bar and entirely as dry, unappetizing brown color, with a soft coconut flavor, not as noticeable shortening flavor on this one.
This was ranked the choice of 2, truly bad by 2 others, and suitable for eating by everyone else.
The Datrex bar
This survival food bar was divided into 12 smaller individually wrapped pieces. Brown speckled in color, you might think that was actually chocolate in it.
It smelled so good! Like those coconut taffy type candies in the old days…however, the taste was nothing like the aroma.
It pretty much tasted similar to cardboard or sawdust packed together with a little shortening--extremely mild coconut flavor hence you almost couldn't savor it. Once more very dry--you'd certainly want water with any of these! It was ranked the least favorite flavor on the whole, but still safe to eat.
The general consensus was that any one of the survival food bar is edible; none were spit-it-out-nasty.
If you were in survival form, they'd definitely be handy to supplement your other food (If you would like to know more about the critical food item you need in times of disaster or emergency, visit the Sold Out After Crisis review site.)
Odds are if you have bought an off the rack 72 hour kit, your food is mostly Survival Food Bar. They aren't too pricey though, if you're looking at calories per dollar, so you may also throw in a couple in your supplies.
How long this survival food bar is good for-- they have a pretty long shelf life due to the moisture content and packaging. Another question that was raised was if you'd actually feel full eating these or if you'd get your calories, but still be hungry.
A must-have food item
You probably won’t feel satiated with this survival food bar for it is intended to keep you alive for a period of time with the least amount of energy.
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